
Posts Tagged ‘scheiterhaufen’

Yeah I know what you think- “WtF is she talking about?”
Well ‘Scheiterhaufen’ and ‘Apfelschlangerl‘ are Austrian dishes, sweet dishes to be precise, made of apples and brioche or a curd cheese and butter dough.

Since we are approaching Mabon and it is the time of  harvesting the fruits of our work, it is the ideal time to prepare real seasonal dishes- and if you like sweet dishes like me and my Minimonsters- those receipes may be the right ones for you.

Here we go:


500 g Apples
100 g brown sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
Juice and cester of a lemon (organic)
3 Eggs
4 Eggwhites
4 Eggyolks
500 ml Milk
1 Vanillapod
Butter for the casserole

Preheat the oven to 150°C.
First peal the apples and cut out the core, put them into a bowl and add 2 spoons of sugar, the cinnamon and lemmon juice, mix it all together, set the apples aside to rest.
Then blend milk, 3 eggs and 4 eggyolks, the leftover sugar, vanilla and lemmon cester together. Cut the brioche into 1 cm thick slices. Now put brioche and apples in layers into the casserole, then pour the egg- milk over it and put it into the preheated oven and let it bake for about 50 minutes.
Then get the ‘Scheiterhaufen’ out, turn the heat up to 200°C and beat the egg whites until stiff, divide it ontop and put the ‘Schwiterhaufen’ back into the oven until the egg white is golden brown.



500 g Apples
100 g brown sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 TbS of raisins (if you like)
Juice and cester of an organic lemmon
250 g Curd cheese
4 Eggs
250 g All purpose flour
80 g melted butter

Preheat oven to 160°C, then beat the eggs lightly and melt the butter. Put the curd cheese into your food processor and blend it until smooth, add the eggs (keep a little leftover for lubricating the ‘Apfelschlangerl’ before they go into the oven- will give it a nice crispy and golden brown finish!), blend again until smooth, add sugar, lemoncester and finally the flour and butter. Let the dough be beaten until all smooth and soft.
Now peal and cut the apples, mix them with cinnamon, lemonjuice a little sugar and the raisins if you would like to add them- set aside to rest.
Divide your dough into 3 or 4 ‘balls’ of the same size and roll them out with your rolling pin until each is about 0.5 cm thin and quite rectangular in shape. Now divide the apple filling and put it onto your dough rectangles, wrap it together nice and tight. Lubricate it with the leftover eggyolkes and put it for about 20 minutes (until crisp and golden brown) into the oven.

Enjoy ;-D


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